To make the most out of the tests section of this site you really need to
be a registered user...
While personality tests are very useful in showing you how you act and react to certain situations and also at showing you how you feel about yourself, taken once they can only ever really tell you how you feel about yourself at the moment in time in which you took the test.
As a bitcoin profit registered user when you take one
of the serious tests on this site you get the option to save the results. You can then save the results of each test up to 3 times. (i.e. you can take each test 3 times over a period of time and compare the results from each time). This gives a more accurate picture about the way you are.
Each of the serious tests on this site has 2 analysis pages. One which
gives the overall results for everyone who has taken the test on this
site, and one which compares your results for each test (assuming you are
a registered user).
If you are worried about giving your details to 'Personality Online'
please read our privacy
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