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Click Here! Ones need to be right, beyond reproach. An inner critic continually checks for possible faults. They continually try to do what is right, and likewise expect others to do the same. They become cranky when either they or others fail to measure up.

One's greatest fear is that they might be condemned for failure to adhere to their principles or ideals, whether lofty or trivial. Along with this urge comes a vigilance and an attention to detail.

Possible Origins. Ones commonly report that they were heavily criticized or punished when they were young and that they eventually became obsessed with trying to be good as a way of staying out of trouble. Many were expected to take on adult responsibility prematurely and often became like parents themselves in order to stabilize immature adults in the family. The atmosphere was one Of high expectation without rewards. Virtue was supposed to be its own reward, and so perfectionists were scolded for wrongdoing without being made special for the sacrifice Of being good.

Flawed Ones can be opinionated and self-righteous. They are perfectionists and expect others to live up to their exacting standards. Ones function by the rule book and if procedures are changed they may feel they're being set up for criticism. They have problems dealing with interactions that require multiple points Of view. As managers they are prone to over-controlling subordinates out of an attempt to "get it right" on their terms. They want rules and progress reports. They attempt to control the situation by setting limits, by tightening controls and assigning blame. At their worst, they are fault-finders and nit-pickers.

Well-adapted Ones have learned to be tolerant of themselves, and, consequently, tolerant of others. They have transcended petty fault-finding in themselves and others. They have discovered that their impulses are not inherently bad and they no longer repress their feelings inappropriately. They remain moral people and are often sought for guidance. They are known for their integrity and high principles, but are able to allow for differences in the ideals of others. The healthy One can be a strong force in community life because he or she will look to his conscience for guidance, rather than to personal gain or power.

As managers they harness their heightened sense of order to constructive ends. They no longer oppress subordinates with their high standards, but respect the performance levels of others. They have fine organizational abilities and are capable of taking real pleasure in developing their skills. They hold strong convictions without being self-righteous and rigid. They appraise themselves and others against their standards without being overly judgmental and without condemning those who do not measure up.

Occupations. Ones gravitate to jobs where procedures need to be enacted. They are researchers, teachers, accountants, and long-rang- planners. Occupations in which they can be arbiters of correct behavior also appeal to Ones: judges, policemen, grammarians. As managers they specialize in systematizing or rationalizing organizations on running a tight ship. They also tend to excel at implementing a slim-down strategy--at trimming fat and eliminating unnecessary levels, functions, or staff. Attractive environments include jobs that require organization and meticulous detail.

Finding Oneself:

Ones will probably agree with most of the following statements:
  1. I put much effort into correcting my faults.
  2. I'm often bothered because things aren't the way they should be.
  3. I hate to waste time.
  4. I often blame myself for not doing better.
  5. Often the least flaw can ruin the whole thing for me.
  6. I have trouble relaxing and being playful.
  7. I frequently have a sense of urgency that time is running out and there is still so much left to do.
  8. If something isn't fair, it really bothers me.
  9. I get angry when I see others "getting away with it".
  10. I normally see things as either right or wrong.

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