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Work ethic, get the job done and done right, strong morals and values, loyal, perfectionist.

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Hard work: The Conscientious person is dedicated to work, works very hard, and is capable of intense, single-minded effort.
The right thing: To be Conscientious is to be a person of conscience. These are men and women of strong moral principles and values. Opinions and beliefs onany subject are rarely held lightly. Conscientious individuals want to do the right thing.
The right way: Everything must be done "right," and the Conscientious person has a clear understanding of what that means, from the correct way to balance the checkbook, to the best strategy to achieve the boas's objectives, to how to fit every single dirty dish into the dishwasher.
Perfectionism: The Conscientious person likes all tasks and projects to be complete to the final detail, without even minor flaws.
Love of detail: Conscientious men and women take seriously all the steps of any project. No detail is too small for Conscientious consideration.
Order: Conscientious people like the appearance of orderliness and tidiness. They are good organizers, catalogers, and list makers, and they appreciate schedules and routines.
Pragmatism: Conscientious types approach the world and other people from a practical, no-nonsense point of view, They roll up their sleeves and get to workwithout much emotional expenditure.
Prudence: Thrifty, careful, and cautious in all areas of their lives, Conscientious individuals do not give in to reckless abandon or wild excess.
Accumulation: A "pack rat," the Conscientious person saves and collects things (storing them in orderly bundles), reluctant to discard anything that has, formerly had, or someday may have value for him or her.

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